setelah sume punat ku tekan, setelah ramai org ku tanya tibe2 menjadi hahahaha tanak tekan2 lg. tros layaaaann! and i will continue it tomorrow. hah tgk la esok mau tekan ape plak. hehehe
Friday, November 30, 2007
setelah sume punat ku tekan, setelah ramai org ku tanya tibe2 menjadi hahahaha tanak tekan2 lg. tros layaaaann! and i will continue it tomorrow. hah tgk la esok mau tekan ape plak. hehehe
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
yeah yeah. org dah sampai ke bulan,
saya baru blaja naik basikal.
currently masih di season 1.
ape? kat UK dah season 4?
takpe2, saya akan tonton kemudian.
i am sooOoOOoOo in luv wit dat movie.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Saje suke suki

hah since christmas dah nak dekat. bese la mana2 stores kat Msia ni sambut besar besaran and to us, ni la masenye nak shopping sakan. selalunye time2 ni la fesyen pun cantik2 yg kuar.
then we saw this hat. eventually, i saw this hat before wit leely last monday in pyramid and since leely was so cuak nak snap2 gamba, let both us do this thing. both of us are good in snap2 picture ni. huhu tp kantoi la ade tag harga kat atas. kuang ajo si nadia ni bukan nak bgtau.
setelah berjalan jalan tanpa hala tuju kami duduk kat satu bench ni. sbenornye mikirkan mana kedai mahu kami masuk utk isi perot. sorang dah makan kfc, sorang dah makan mekdi, old town kopitiam ade yg takmau.
end up kami makan pizza hut. yey! hawaiian chicken for 3 of us. sume diam bile melantak. bagos!
Monday, November 19, 2007
one fine day

this is Afzan ( masih single )

this is Leely (masih juga single)
Next, dlm kul 6pm td Leely, Sarip and I went to botanic park. we went for jogging2 ayam. dah 3 hari berturut turut kami p. seronok? best jugak. dah lama benor tidak mengeluarkan peluh gini melainkan naik tangga fakulti. we had fun together. jogging, jalan2, ngumpat, buat lawak, men kat playground. play the jongkang jongkit. fun fun. ye la time blaja mana ade mase ptg2 nak p jogging sgala bagai. skang suda ade mase!
then, kat umah i got a good news. yeah probably i could say good news for the family. my bro dpt offer masuk blaja balik kat uitm. yeap alhamdulillah. im happy for him because ye la at least he got something to do kan? kos ape? hahaha yg ni part best. he will become my junior since dia akan masuk sama kos ngan i. muahaha. but the most important part is my mom ckp, dia tayah beli buku dah kan? sume buku i ade lg. so dah la cut cost. alhamdulillah
im so happy.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
do not ask me how and when
and please do not ask why again.
i hate people keep asking me this and that
this is my life.
i will manage my life on my own.
why i dont pick up the phone?
why i hardly to find?
why i didnt meet u?
pls do not ask me wit this silly woes.
Friday, November 16, 2007
hari ini
bangun a bit awal sbb mau bodek hati bonda. daddy called and asked me to go to the bank. pay bills and car installment. i went there wit leely. i luv to go to Ambank satu ni sbb tade org. miahaha. i dun have to wait so long. kire 1-2 je nombor. kdg2 saye je la amik nombor. huhu.
then dah pas lunch bersama leely balik umah online sampai lebam. around 3.30pm sampai kul 9pm. mmg tak berganjak dari lappy ku. sampai bonda ckp 'hah mmg balas dendam ko ngan cuti ni ye' well wat can i say? i luv being free like dis.
malam plak p dinner with leely, sarip and alan. hah kali ni bes sket. kami ajar leely bwk kete! yes dia dah ade lesen. dah 3 bulan kot? tp tak pnah dia bwk kete pas ade lesen. alasan? busy nak exam katanye. hah arini kami p pusat sukan pandamaran, ajar dia bawak kete. kat sana ade jalan yang lapaaangggg and usually org akan blaja bwk kete kat situ. tp kdg2 ade yg buat wayang kat situ. kami lagi sukeee. ekekeke
hah setelah dlm 15 minit ajar dia pusing2 situ. akhirnye kami sume mengambil keputusan leely harus drive dari pandamaran p balik andalas. not forgetting kami dah fasten our seatbelt. yg duk blakang pun dan dan carik seatbelt. even agak slow dia memandu. kalo nak turn tu dah mcm nak langga divider, kami ttp bagi kredit kat dia sbb dia BERJAYA MASUK LORONG DRIVE THRU MCD. hahahahhaha. yey leely! syabas!
alhamdulillah sume selamat sampai.ekekekek
one day trip
Sunday, November 11, 2007
the time
tade sape mau kaco. if ade org kaco pun lantak deme la. time2 ni mmg payah la dpt hubungi.
henpon akan selalu silent dan letak dlm drawer ke bawah katil ke. hiks!
anyway bout last paper td, target A. melampau ke? but i rase confident sket. ala bia la menjadi penawar duka utk 2nd last paper yg mcm aram aritu.
anyway i went out just now. with sum frens. dah lama sgt tak melepak ngan kwn2 ni. since exam sume pun busy. sian la org yg blaja kat kolej, bile dia coti, kami exam. bila kami dah abes exam, dia dah masok sem baru. hehe.
hah blom pun masuk sehari abes exam, tidak ku lepaskan peluang membelek isi kandungan laptop ni. delete mana yg takmau. susun2 sket folder. save mana perlu. tibe dtg2 idea. hiks!
hah ni mcm ala ala new hobby la. tp tak la canggeh cm this lady nye. but do check these out k?
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
i tried to search for extra notes from other materials.
im all cried out.
nothing to say much.
i hate financial market subject
and the most important thing,
omg. dosa btol aku ni. tp bile ngenangkan dia,
hmmm leh jadi gile.
just hoping dia telanggar dinding ke,
terinsaf ke nak bg kesian marks for us.
if not, i will see her next semester again!
p/s one paper left. after dat, yipi!!
i stil cant snap2 gamba lelaki ini. =(
Friday, November 02, 2007
lama btol tak tgk blog ni due to busyness for final exams. ngan family problem yg tak settle2.
ye la family mana tak pnah ade problem kan? thanks to anne sbb bertanya kabar. =)
well i dah sit for 3 papers. 2 papers left. my financial market and my corporate governance
meh nak cite bout 3 papers aritu secara overall.
Research Methadology - so and so. i did my best here.
Mandarin - im so gonna get an A for this subject. TAK BLEH terima kalo tak dpt A
Intro to Business - thrash i guess. hmm. i dun even have enough time to answer. but hopefully my 42.5/50 carry marks will help me. pls pls pls. i want to score this paper.
pray for these coming papers ok.
p/s anne, jom lunch sama2 after i exam nak tak? hehe since u pun area shah alam je.
saya akan teruja bila melihat lelaki be continued